DACH & Benelux

A fast growing consulting company like torq partners grows 2x in headcount in a year. Try to keep up with that kind of structural process change.


Muzi is managing partner of torq partners, a consulting firm for fast-growing companies for finance, HR and restructuring challenges. His firm has grown from 40 to 80 employees in 2022 and planning with spreadsheets coupled with a very dynamic project environment where clients sign a project within 14 days needed a more efficient process.


Muzi had looked at over 15 different tools for time tracking, scheduling and CRM integrations. Having 50 employees (and more) managing their project planning in 50 different Google Sheets created an extremely high overhead for him as the process owner.

In addition, the error-proneness of these Google Sheets was very high. He spent 1-2 hours a day correcting errors in them. They had even already decided and signed up for Clickup, but then quickly realized in onboarding that the key feature actual and target planning was not there as promised.

Goal was to be silent on actual and planned time tracking. It needs a plan calculation based on actual hours extrapolated to sales.


Muzi was particularly keen to migrate historical data into CoffeeCup, so here CoffeeCup helped migrate four years of historical data into a new instance at CoffeeCup so Muzi could work with all the existing data.

This additional service allowed him to immediately work with standardized average KPIs for planning and he quickly had an efficient process in place. His 80 employees are now able to plan their own projectsa and him and two other partners now review only in a dashboard view. False entries based on spreadsheets have been eliminated.

Muzi and his team now save 5-8h a week on project planning. In addition, he can directly import all new deals via the Hubspot integration and schedule them in one click. Because his company now operates with international subsidiaries, CoffeeCup can also be used to plan and invoice teams and projects across groups, which was not possible before.

We want to be noiseless in actual and plan time recording. We had been looking for something we could use to map revenue projections from planned hours. CoffeeCup was the solution that worked best for us.
Muzi Yilmaz
Managing Partner

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